Gluten-Free Rice Semolina

Gluten-Free Rice Semolina Composition: 100% rice semolina Preparation recommendation: Add two tablespoons of semolina to 250ml of milk. Sweeten to taste. Cook over low heat for three minutes, stirring constantly.

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Gluten-Free Rice Semolina

Net weight: 300 g

100g proizvoda sadrži: Ref.unos*
Energy value 347 kcal (1475kj) 17,35%
Proteins 7,42 g 14,84%
Carbohydrates 78,63g 30,24%
of which sugars < 0,5 g 0,55%
Fats < 0,5 g 0,71%
of which saturated fatty acids < 0,1 g 0,5%
Salt 0 g 0%

Reference intake* – reference intake of energy and nutrients expressed as a percentage

Rice Bread (gluten-free)

Ingredients: 300 g rice flour, 200 g, 20 g baker’s yeast, teaspoon of salt, tablespoon of sugar, 25 ml oil, 500 ml lukewarm water.

Preparation instructions:

First, mix the dry ingredients slightly, then gradually add water until the dough is smooth and soft, similar to cornbread dough. Then pour the resulting dough into a pre-greased mold or pan with deeper edges and leave it in a warm place for 40 minutes to rise. Preheat the oven to 230°C and bake the bread for about 30 minutes until it gets a golden-yellow crust.


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