Rice Flour

Rice flour is rich in carbohydrates and proteins, as well as minerals and vitamins, making it highly energetic. Certain types of people can use it daily, especially athletes and those exposed to physical exertion. It is extremely healthy, very nutritious, easily digestible, and strengthens the body. It has a high utilization rate (around 95%) and is a good source of energy. It does not affect the increase in blood sugar and cholesterol levels but stabilizes them, supports the function of muscles, nerves, and lungs, satiates, and enables longer maintenance of good shape. It alleviates digestive disorders and protects against kidney stone formation.

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Rice Flour 500g

Rice flour, in addition to carbohydrates and proteins, is rich in minerals and vitamins, making it a high-energy food. Certain types of people can use it daily, especially athletes and those exposed to physical exertion. It is extremely healthy, very nutritious, easily digestible, and strengthens the body. It has a high utilization rate (about 95%) and is a good source of energy. It does not affect the increase in blood sugar and cholesterol levels but stabilizes them, supports the function of muscles, nerves, and lungs, satiates, and allows you to stay in good shape for longer. It alleviates disorders in the digestive organs and protects against kidney stone formation.

Net weight: 500 g

100g of the product contains: Reference intake*
Energy value 1536.36kJ (365.8kcal) 18.3%
Proteins 7.1g 14.2%
Carbohydrates 80.0g 30.77%
of which sugars 0 g 0%
Fibers 2.4g 8%
Fats 1.4g 2%
– saturated fatty acids 0.4g 2%
– trans fatty acids 0 g 0%
Cholesterol 0 g 0%
Salt 0 g 0%
Water content 11.6g
Ash content 0.6g

Reference intake* – reference intake of energy and nutrients expressed as a percentage

Rice Bread (Gluten-Free)

Ingredients: 300 g rice flour, 200 g, 20 g baker’s yeast, teaspoon of salt, tablespoon of sugar, 25 ml oil, 500 ml lukewarm water.


First, add the dry ingredients, lightly mix them, then gradually add water until the dough is smooth and soft in texture, like dough for flatbread. Then pour the obtained dough into a previously greased mold or baking tray with higher edges and leave it in a warm place for 40 minutes to rise. Preheat the oven to 230°C and bake the bread for about 30 minutes until it develops a golden-yellow crust.


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